Wrist, Hand & Thumb Supports

The Exos Short Thumb Spica Immobilizes the base of the thumb to stabilize injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) commonly known as skier’s thumb, fractures or avulsion injuries to the proximal first phalanx or distal first metacarpal, severe sprains of the thumb, or for arthritic conditions involving the metacarpal phalangeal (MCP) joint. This device will not stabilize the carpo – metacarpal (CMC) joint.
Other benefits:
- Exos braces are radiolucent and do not need to be removed for X-Ray imaging.
- Does not contain latex.
- Waterproof.
- Thermoformable.

The Exos Extended Short Thumb Spica immobilizes the base of the thumb and the inter-phalangeal joint to stabilize injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) - commonly known as skier’s thumb; fractures or avulsion injuries to the proximal first phalanx or distal first metacarpal; severe sprains of the thumb; for arthritic conditions involving the metacarpal – phalangeal (MCP) joint; or the IP joint. May also be used to immobilize the thumb joints following surgical repair of soft tissue injuries.
Other benefits:
- Exos braces are radiolucent and do not need to be removed for X-Ray imaging.
- Does not contain latex.
- Waterproof.
- Thermoformable.

The DonJoy Functional Wrist Brace helps restore function and structural characteristics to an injured wrist. The brace offers variable extension stops with the option to control radial/ulnar deviation. The open palm design allows for gripping motion for a return to work or sport. Available in carbon fiber (CXT) or a high strength composite material (SXT).

Say good-bye to awkward showers trying to keep your medical cast dry or sitting with the parents during the pool party. We know you deserve a waterproof brace with excellent stabilization and superior comfort that is custom fit to your body and way of life! This high-tech wrist brace is equally good for injured athletes and regular people annoyed with the old school cast.
Need to adjust your brace on-the-fly? No doctor appointment needed. Thanks to the award-winning Boa, get easy one-handed lace adjustment with a quick turn of the dial.
When it’s time to remove it, have no fear because no cast saw is necessary. Simply release the Boa dial and carry on.

Say good-bye to awkward showers trying to keep your medical cast dry or sitting with the parents during the pool party. We know you deserve a waterproof brace with excellent stabilization and superior comfort that is custom fit to your body and way of life! This high-tech brace is equally good for injured athletes and regular people annoyed with the old school cast.
Need to adjust your brace on-the-fly? No doctor appointment needed. Thanks to the award-winning Boa, get easy one-handed lace adjustment with a quick turn of the dial.
When it’s time to remove it, have no fear because no cast saw is necessary. Simply release the Boa dial and carry on.

Say good-bye to awkward showers trying to keep your medical cast dry or sitting with the parents during the pool party. We know you deserve a waterproof brace with excellent stabilization and superior comfort that is custom fit to your body and way of life! This high-tech wrist brace is equally good for injured athletes and regular people annoyed with the old school cast.
View product video.

Say good-bye to awkward showers trying to keep your medical cast dry or sitting with the parents during the pool party. We know you deserve a waterproof brace with excellent stabilization and superior comfort that is custom fit to your body and way of life! This high-tech wrist brace is equally good for injured athletes and regular people annoyed with the old school cast.
Need to adjust your brace on-the-fly? No doctor appointment needed. Thanks to the award-winning Boa, get easy one-handed lace adjustment with a quick turn of the dial.
When it’s time to remove it, have no fear because no cast saw is necessary. Simply release the Boa dial and carry on.
View product video.

The signature feature of this fracture brace is the BOA® adjustable closure system that provides for minute adjustments in circumferential compression. It can be tightened or loosened instantly as indicated eliminating the need to split or bivalve casts to avoid compartment syndromes or Volkman's ischemia.

The Thumb Spica Fracture Brace (TSFB) is designed to replace fiberglass and plaster casting and provide rigid immobilization to the forearm, wrist and thumb. It provides stability and support for injuries to the first metacarpal-phalangeal (MCP) joint, the first carpo-metacarpal (CMC) joint, and the wrist joint. The TSFB is indicated for all injuries to the thumb, such as Bennett's or complex Rolando's fractures, suspected or confirmed navicular (scaphoid) fractures, and for other carpal bone injuries. The thumb extension, which completely immobilizes the first digit can be trimmed to any length to allow varied thumb flexion. The TSFB is also indicated for fractures to the distal radius or distal ulna, Colles fractures, Salter-Harris pediatric wrist and forearm injuries. It can be employed for acute injuries as well as post-operatively.

Live a fashionably dangerous lifestyle while recovering from your injury. Your friends will want to break their wrist for these trendy colors and stylish designs.